The next collection will be this weekend (29th/30th March) for food items and toiletries for the Refugees and Asylum seekers.
Everyone, young and young at heart, is welcome to come for a catch-up, a chat, a cuppa and cake in a friendly environment between 2 and 4pm on Friday 4th April in the Hall. Hope to see you there! For more details or if you need a lift, please contact Margaret on 01943 874352.
Please join Edward, an A-Level student at St.Mary’s, on Sat 5th April for a short presentation after 5pm Mass about his recent visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, his experience of meeting an Auschwitz survivor and the story of one victim who’s story he has researched.
Our parish has been invited to share our LiveSimply story with other parishes at a workshop to be held at Wheeler Hall, Leeds on Saturday 3rd May, 10:30am – 3:30pm. Christine Allen, CAFOD director, will be starting off the day which will include sessions for everyone to participate and leave with clear actions to take back to their parishes. Please let Mary, Chris or Keith know if you would like to join them at the event. More details can be found on the poster in the foyer and here:
As you are aware we have been raising funds for the restructure of the garden area behind the church and presbytery to create an outdoor space that can be used by all parishioners for spiritual and social events and for children’s liturgy events. Please pick up a flyer at the back of church for more details of the Fund-Raising event to be held on the 11th of May and how you can help.
Three people who would join for a planning meeting to help decide how we can provide some accessible seating for people with mobility issues. A meeting will be arranged early April. Please email or Whatsapp the Parish Office or let Father Tim or Sue know if you can help.
We would welcome people’s ideas around external bike and pushchair storage. A meeting will be arranged early April. Please email or Whatsapp the Parish Office or let Fr Tim or Sue know if you can help. Thank you for the ideas at the parish briefing.
Angela Powell who spoke to us on the 10th March was charmed by our lively and welcoming Parish Family. Angela wonders if anyone at all would be willing to be trained to deliver a CAFOD assembly in a local Catholic school. If interested, please contact Angela through her e-mail address: She would be absolutely delighted to hear from you.
Children’s Liturgy will be EVERY SUNDAY in Lent including Easter Sunday and Mother’s Day. For the rest of the school year, it will be every First Sunday of the month. Please help by bringing the children to Church every week. For the rest of the school year, it will be every First Sunday of the month.
If you want to find out more or think you can help, please get in touch with Mary Preston on: or on 07759 516386. Thank you.
During Lent will be on Fridays at 7.00pm.
Boots now accept blister packs for recycling, and we can even get advantage points for bringing them in! Could we all use this facility since it helps with our LiveSimply programme. We will take the ones previously collected to local Boots shops. Please let our LiveSimply team know if you would like to help with this. Thank you.
Wednesday of Holy Week (16th April): Chrism Mass at 11.00am at Leeds Cathedral.
Maundy Thursday (17th April): Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm at SSJF&TM, Burley.
Good Friday (18th April): Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm at Sacred Heart, Ilkley. Stations of the Cross at 7.00pm at SSJF&TM, Burley.
Easter Vigil (19th April): 8.30pm at SSJF&TM, Burley.
Easter Sunday (20th April): Masses at 9.15am (Sacred Heart) and 11.00am (SSJF&TM, Burley).
Applications are welcomed for the role of Trustee from Catholic lay faithful to enrich the diversity of the Board’s membership. Additionally, the Diocese are seeking to expand the committee structure of the Trustees and would welcome applications for membership of those committees as well. Please see the Diocesan website for more details and how to apply:
During Lent those who will be received at Easter are meeting weekly to pray and reflect on the Sunday gospels (Year A). All parishioners are invited to come and make this time of prayer their own preparation at this special time of year on the following Wednesdays: 5th March, 12th March, 19th March, 26th March; 2nd April, 9th April and 16th April at 7.00-8.00pm in the Lady Chapel.
There is a clear path toward the assisted suicide Bill being defeated at Third Reading. Early analysis shows that at least 36 MPs supported the Bill but have concerns that mean they may vote NO at later stages. Just 28 MPs switching their stance to NO would ensure it is defeated at Third Reading. We need MPs to know that their constituents want them to vote NO at Third Reading. Please take action now and visit to find out how your MP voted and ask them to vote against the Bill at Third Reading.
Our parish has identified several new projects to continue our LiveSimply programme. One of these is to install solar panels on our church roof to provide renewable electricity to both the church and the presbytery. Please take a leaflet in the foyer to get details of the project and also the UK and Diocese of Leeds’ support for sustainability.
Bishop Marcus’ pastoral letter can be read here. Our bishop reminds us that, “Care for creation is a subject which has long and rich tradition in the Catholic Church, from the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament through to the teachings of successive Popes.” He says:
- our care for the earth should be “motivated not by catastrophic visions but by hope in the future” and a deep love for the God in whom we live and move and have our being.
- in this period of prayer in preparation for the Church’s Jubilee Year of Hope, let us be inspired to take hopeful, but urgent, positive action as stewards of creation.
- these works we cannot just leave to others. We may lack the power to change the whole world, but we do have the ability to make our views known to those who govern our country, and to make changes in our own lives, homes and communities.
LiveSimply social/fundraising event for our new garden project
A big thank you to all for helping to make Sunday 23 June’s LiveSimply social/fundraising event such a success and what a celebration! To everyone who donated bottles/games/cakes/jams & plants and to those who looked after the tombola, cakes (weren’t they beautiful and delicious!) and plant stalls. There are a few plants left, they are in the kitchen at the back of the hall, please take one and give it a home. This was our first Fund Raiser for the new garden project and we received over £500 in donations which was brilliant. We are planning similar celebration events later in July and an autumn harvest Sunday when we will have fruits and veg to bring in and share.
Do join our LiveSimply team, you can leave your details on the form in the church entrance. We are finalising the new garden details; you can help with this, for example choosing new plants or building the paved area. Also if you were away you can support the project by donating LiveSimply via the DONA machine.
Mother’s DayMother’s Day activity at Children’s Liturgy – showing appreciation for mothers everywhere.

The Deanery celebration of Confirmation of 80 candidates at Leeds Trinity University. Such a happy occasion!
Tree of Life
At our parish meeting in October Fr Tim asked us to include Caring for Creation as one of our main priorities. This would mean building on what we did to gain our CAFOD LiveSimply award with new ideas from all our parish families. At our Mass on Sunday 18th October you wrote your suggestions on card leaves, these will be added to the Tree of Life in the foyer. We will be repeating this at a Saturday Mass early in the New Year to give everyone in our parish the opportunity to contribute to this work. In the meantime, you can add your ideas on card leaves in the basket in the church foyer. Please include your name and email/telephone so that we can contact you.
‘The Wednesday Word’ Web Site
This site contains information which you may find helps in preparation for the Mass readings for each Sunday, see
SVP, do you want to join?
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) is very active in Leeds Diocese. Ss John Fisher and Thomas More had a conference in the past. Sacred Heart Ilkley SVP Conference remains active and would like to extend an invitation to any Burley parishioners who might be interested in finding out more about the society and perhaps joining us in our work. The central purpose of the society is to assist those in need whatever form that need takes. Amongst other things members visit people in their own homes or in residential homes. For more information please contact Frank McCrickard, or Krzysia Condliffe