Changes to our church
You will see from these photos the layout of the benches has had to be changed in order to ensure distancing of 2m.
• in the lady chapel we have individual seats and these should NOT be moved
• if the Mass you want is full, you may be able to choose one of the other Mass times or attend during the week
• if the Mass you want is full, you may be able to choose one of the other Mass times or attend during the week
• the stewards do not need to book tickets to attend Mass
• we will keep a register of all who visit to aid contact tracing
• we will keep a register of all who visit to aid contact tracing
• you will now need to bring and wear a mask when attending Mass
• there will be no singing in church
• the stewards /cleaners will clean the church on a regular basis before and after each Mass
• the stewards will wear PPE
• there will be no singing in church
• the stewards /cleaners will clean the church on a regular basis before and after each Mass
• the stewards will wear PPE