Diocesan news, Justice & Peace

Justice & Peace Commission

You can read the Justice & Peace Commission’s May 2020 newsletter here, it includes work our parish is doing to respond to Pope Francis’ message in Laudato Si’. The March 2022 newsletter has an article from one of our parishioners about forming a Green Team to start this process.  The September 2022 newsletter has an article pp 6-9 on how our parish gained its LiveSimply award.

Join our J&P Commission: Are you passionate about social justice? Faith and action for social justice go hand in hand. Is it time for you to do more? Come and join the Leeds Justice & Peace Commission to put your faith into action. See our website for more details www.leedsjp.org.uk

The J&P February 2025 newsletter can be found here

  •  In this month’s newsletter we bring you a reflection on the Leeds Holocaust Memorial Day event, an item on UK care workers and modern day slavery as well as information on several important events coming up in the next few months.
This short course prepared by the Vicariate for Education is an introduction to the gospel texts, their origins, and their shared and distinctive qualities. For use by individuals or parish groups, it can be found at:https://www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/education/our-faith/learning-about-our-faith/resources-2/how-to-read-the-gospels/

BRIERY ONLINE ZOOM MEDITATIONS on Thursday from 7.30pm to 8.15pm.  We open at 7.15pm for a chat and start promptly at 7.30pm.  It is a simple format of praying with the Sunday Mass Readings and sharing in small groups.  To register, please email the Briery: briery@btconnect.com

Pentecost 2021
Bishop Marcus’ Pastoral Letter for Pentecost talks about the role we all have a part to play in the routines, choices and decisions of our everyday lives and our aspirations for the future.  We have either been ignorant of, or ignored, the systematic exploitation of our planet and the unsustainable consumption of its resources.  Bishop Marcus asks us to “keep this Feast with that enduring hope that we can begin to repair the damage we have done and provide a healthy home for future generations.”

During Lent we joined a series of reflective evenings with inspiring speakers, prayer and discussion, using the film-based resource “Global Healing”.  These engaging documentaries informed and challenged us to take action to respond to Pope Francis’ call to Care for Our Common Home.  Recordings of the sessions can now be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhBIwXxBhHA&feature=youtu.be

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Pope Francis’ on Thought for the Day for climate change

Dear BBC listeners, Good Morning. “Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed our deep vulnerability and raised numerous doubts and concerns about our economic systems and the way we organise our societies. “We have lost our sense of security and are experiencing a sense of powerlessness and loss of control over our lives. “We […]

Under the Gaze of God

Fr David Williams C.P. (who lives in Otley) has written a book which may be of interest to our parishioners.  It is available from Amazon books.

Fr Michael – “A Golden Priest”

Fr Michael – “A Golden Priest” We at SS John Fisher and Thomas More are one of the lucky ones. We have the privilege and joy of celebrating a priest’s Golden Jubilee. Congratulations Fr Michael! Fr Michael as an altar boy at St Patrick’s,            Fr Michael at his Ordination Mass […]

A poem to celebrate Fr Michael’s golden jubilee

From Us to You The Lord asked you to follow Him and serve with grace and love To minister to those in need of blessings from above To watch His flock and guide us and to teach us how to pray To understand the Gospels and to follow in His way This task accepted graciously […]

Youth take part in Father Michael’s Golden Jubilee Mass celebration

At Mass, on Sunday 7th March at SS John Fisher & Thomas More church Burley-in-Wharfedale, we gave thanks for and celebrated the Golden Jubilee of a Golden priest. Exactly 50 years ago, Father Michael Mahady was ordained a priest at St Patrick’s Church, Leeds on a wet Sunday in Lent. Father Michael celebrated his Golden […]

Catholic Care – Annual Review

Catholic Care’s 2020 annual review has been published, you can read it here.  This is Bishop Marcus’ summary of its amazing work. “Despite all the phenomenal challenges and restrictions of the last year, the leadership, staff and volunteers of Catholic Care have diligently continued to provide an outstanding range of services and support to people […]