Sacraments 2021

6th December 2020
Dear Parent or Carer,
Below you will read the letter from the Diocese, this is different to previous years for 2 reasons. Firstly, the Diocese of Leeds have produced their own programme of materials including books to help you as the parent to play a main role in the preparation and learn alongside your children. Secondly, we have COVID as part of our lives for a little while longer and we need to call on the wonders of Technology to help us to continue our normal routines. In our Parish Family, the parents have been wonderful in helping their children to be ready to receive the Sacraments and despite unavoidable delay, all our Children will complete their Sacramental Preparation within the Calendar year.
Father Michael has asked me to invite you to enrol for next year’s programme from today. We will trial the Diocesan programme with you and will be pleased to receive your comments at any stage of the new programme so we can help the Diocese with their review at the end of the year.
Please take your time to read the next attachment below and follow the instructions and completion dates. If at any stage you have a query please phone 07939063120 – Sue. At a later stage you will have the care of your Catechist.
As always we need Parents to Volunteer as assistant Catechists not Leaders, please do this now so we can have your DBS in place in good time.
With all good wishes
Please take care and be wise
Sue Rix
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation
As you may already be aware, Bishop Marcus has made changes to the programme for children preparing to celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation (Confession), First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
At your child’s Baptism, you made a solemn promise to bring your child up in the practice of the Faith and so, as we look forward to your child’s reception of the next sacraments of the Church, I ask you once again to commit to that promise.
Your child will prepare for and celebrate the sacraments in the following years:
- Year 3 – Sacrament of First Reconciliation (also known as Confession)
- Year 4 – Sacrament of First Holy Communion
- Year 6 – Sacrament of Confirmation
Preparation requires between 5 and 7 sessions, depending on the Sacrament. Following the outbreak of Covid-19 and the demands of social distancing, these sessions will (until further notice) take place at home. You will be provided with guidance and resources to help you and your child work through the materials together. For those who are able to meet using online platforms, we will contact you to arrange meetings; for those who cannot access online meetings, we will contact you by phone to assist you in the preparation.
If you would like to enrol your child for preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, please open, print and fill in this form and return it to Fr Michael through the Presbytery front door of the house, no later than 28th December2020.
We will then ask you to fill in an Enrolment Form for your child (which includes a Consent Form for those who are able to attend meetings online). For those parents and carers who can access online meetings, we will then arrange a meeting online; for those parents and carers who cannot access online meetings, we will contact you about the next steps.
Because of the social distancing requirements in our churches, celebration of the sacraments will (until further notice) take place with small groups of families. We will tell you how this will work and inform you of any changes should social distancing requirements be altered.
Father Michael and Sue Rix